Alcoholism & Wet Brain: Here’s What You Ought To Know

Most people know that the brain can temporarily be affected by drinking. But the risk of long-term harm significantly increases if you abuse alcohol for a long period of time. “Wet brain,” a disorder that can lead to fatigue, uncertainty and memory loss, is one possible result. 

What’s a wet brain like? 

The wet brain is a form of brain disorder caused by frequent and heavy drinking. The wet brain derives from thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency, also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Alcohol hinders thiamine’s ingestion, stimulation and processing. Thiamine is required for the brain to work normally. 

The wet brain has a rapid emergence which does not occur progressively. The brain is damaged, creating noticeable emotional confusion and difficulty with physical control. There is irreversible damage to the areas of the brain associated with memory. Alcoholism-induced dementia is mainly the outcome of a wet brain.

How is Wet Brain associated with Alcoholism?

Your body continues to feel adverse effects when you abuse alcohol for an extended period of time. All of these detrimental side effects is that the body can stop developing or absorbing a really significant vitamin called thiamine (also known as vitamin B1) (otherwise known as vitamin B1). 

It is impossible for many persons who deal with alcohol abuse to take care of them. This also results in unhealthy diets and persistent consumption of alcohol, that can make the person to have a lack of thiamine. 

Having a thiamine deficiency will have a huge effect on the ability to function, fight off infections, and can also trap areas of the brain in a state where new memories can not develop. Sadly, the wet brain is permanent, but in the initial phases of development it may be handled.

Symptoms Of Wet Brain 

A individual with alcohol abuse and second-phase wet brain effects behaves just like somebody with Alzheimer’s disease. According to figures from the National Institute on Substance Dependence and Alcoholism, 90% of alcoholics with phase 1 symptoms appear to experience phase 2 symptoms, with some variation in phases and symptoms. 

Symptoms: Stage 1 

  • Drowsiness and eye control paralysis 
  • Eye movements that are rapid, tremor-like 
  • Hallucinations in visual and auditory terms 
  • Affected sense of odour 
  • Tremens Delirium (the shakes) 
  • Confusion, restlessness or carelessness 

Symptoms: Stage 2 

  • Alcohol-associated loss of memory (from mild to severe) 
  • Disorientation with respect to position and time 
  • Skewed or misinterpreted Memories
  • Knowledge forged or invented to cover for bad memory 


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