buy Cavoodle puppy in Sydney

Where To Buy Cavoodle Puppy in Sydney: A Complete Guide

It is said that the first-ever official Cavoodle was born in Australia in the 1990s. Though the exact origin of the Cavoodles is a mystery, it is believed to be the result of accidental crossbreeding between a Poodle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

There are numerous dog breeds in Sydney, but the demand for Cavoodles has reached great heights. People are going crazy to buy Cavoodle puppy in Sydney because of these fluffy canines with cheerful, affectionate, playful, and even-tempered natures. 

If you are from Sydney and NSW and planning to welcome a Cavoodle puppy at your home, this guide will help you get acquainted with the various traits and costs of a cavoodle.

Basic Information About Cavoodles

Weight  5 to 12 Kgs
Height 28cm to 38cm
Coat Length Long; wavy to curly, woolen coat, low odor
Exercise Requirement 30 to 60 minutes per day
Energy Level High
Attention Needs Moderate to High
Longevity  10 to 14 years
Basic Traits Affectionate, Intelligent, Sociable, Friendly

Traits of Cavoodles

  • Family Dog

Cavoodles are best known for their friendly and affectionate nature. They are highly sociable and love to spend time with their families. Such canines are an excellent choice for older people who live in small apartments. They are also great with the children and love to play most of the time. They are so attached to their families that sometimes it becomes difficult to keep them at various dog boarding service centers. 

  • High Energy 

They are tiny, cute, and high-energy dogs who mostly love to play. They need daily exercise and mental stimulation for 30 to 60 minutes to keep themselves happy and healthy. They are said to be loyal and best human companions but sometimes react in a clingy way. 

If you are considering a cavoodle puppy for sale in Sydney, remember to include time in your busy schedule don’t for their daily vigorous activities. 

  • Highly Intelligent and Friendly

They are considered a crossbreed of poodle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, categorized as highly intelligent and friendly companions. They can easily follow your commands and instructions. They are friendly, playful, and happy pups who need proper training from professionals to be called one of the best companions for humans.

  • Low Shedding 

In Sydney and NSW, cavoodles are considered to have high sales due to their low shedding and hypoallergenic properties. If you are allergic and planning to buy puppies for the first time, cavoodles are the best choice. Their coat is curly, wavy, thick, and hardly shed, making them Australia’s most demanding dog breed. 

  • Grooming

Cavoodles require grooming sessions only once every six weeks, with regular brushing at home in between. Their coat is hairy rather than furry, making them hypoallergenic. The ears and eyes of the cavoodle must be cleaned regularly to avoid any significant risk of infection. 

How much is the cost of Cavoodle?

If you live in Australia, the total cost of a cavoodle varies from $2500 to $10,000, depending on the quality and availability. There is a high demand for cavoodles in Sydney and NSW because of their excellent personality type. 

Before buying one, beware of scam centers that try to fool people by selling low-quality breeds. Always consider visiting the parents and the centers, and only buy something online with references. 


These pups are highly friendly, energetic, and happy-go-lucky dog breeds. People are going crazy to buy one for themselves for their unique traits. Then what are you waiting for? Visit Noah Ark Pets Center, which sells the best quality cavoodle in NSW. 

With more than 700+ clients worldwide, this award-winning center offers various dog breeds at affordable prices. 

You can also visit their website, to know more details. 

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